Eastern-Bosnian mining teritorry
Podrinje and parts of east Bosnia in Roman period were considered as East Bosnian mining territory. In antiquity, during the Roman reign, there were two very important municipal centres in this area - Municipium Malvesiatium and Domavia. Both cities gained their municipal status probably during the reign of Roman emperor Antoninus Pius. As cultural and economic center, Domavia was more significant. It can be assumed that from the reign of Marcus Aurelius till the last years of 2nd century AD, Domavia was administration centre of all metal mines in Dalmatia and both Pannonies, while in 3rd century it was centre of procuratores Augusti, but only for silver mines. Many of the inscriptions cite imperial procurators, and the last one is mentioned in 274 AD during the reign of emperor Aurelian. Thanks to the epigraphical data from era of Alexander Severus and Trebonianus Gallus, it can be concluded that this city was given the status of colony in period from 232 or 233 and 254 AD. Domavia reached the peak of its development in 3rd century AD, after which it slowly began to decline. The city had all the characteristics of important administrative centre. During archaeological research, in this urban area among all other objects, forum, thermae, curia and court were excavated. Thermae are the biggest object found, with forty five chambers. As inscriptions cite, in area of Domavia lived not only locals but also people from different parts of Roman Empire such as Romans, Greeks, people from Orient, etc. There is a possibility that mines in this area were exploited again during the Ostrogoths reign, which is considered as prosperous and stabile period in Dalmatia. After the Slavs populated this area mines were not in use but mining will reach its new zenith in middle ages after the Sasi (Saxons) moved there.