Geoarchaeological reconnaissance of the Banja Luka and Doboj area of northern Bosnia and Herzegovina


Gary Marriner
Charles French
Tonko Rajkovaca


The application of geological and physical geographical techniques in archaeology is widely established and can provide fruitful and exciting results in the form of geoarchaeology. This report describes the use of geoarchaeological techniques to investigate and interrogate landscape use and change in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina during the late glacial and early Holocene focusing on the Vrbas valley, the Ukrina valley and the surrounding landscape. It examines evidence from archaeological site locations such as limestone caves and river gravel terraces in order to understand human impact on the landscape in the past. In addition it will assess the preservation potential and examine the formation processes at the sites visited in order to fully place the archaeological artefacts in their context.


How to Cite
Marriner, G. ., French, C. ., & Rajkovaca, T. . (2023). Geoarchaeological reconnaissance of the Banja Luka and Doboj area of northern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, (40), 7–43. Retrieved from