Where and when did Copper Age exist?


Blagoje Govedarica


Mastering the metallurgy of cooper and craft specialisation, as well as the emergence of the stratified society, are the basic characteristics of the Cooper Age, as complete cultural and social system which represents separate stage in cultural-historical development of the prehistoric communities.

This article presents arguments which show that this defined cultural-historical period existed only in the area of south Eastern Europe during the 5th Millennium BC. Emergence of such cultural stage and its developments in this relatively narrow geographical frame is conditioned by number of natural and social circumstances which were mutually connected only in this area at this particular time. New cultural system has been spread very fast from its native surrounding to eastern Carpathian area and to area between Prut and Dniester, and after to the Carpathian basin in the Northwest. The primary territory of the Copper Age Culture is defined with this.



How to Cite
Govedarica, B. (2023). Where and when did Copper Age exist?. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, (40), 45–61. Retrieved from https://godisnjak.anubih.ba/index.php/godisnjak/article/view/178