Cults and religious beliefs in antiquity in the Pec (Pejë) area in Kosovo


Naser Ferri


Ancient settlement in the vicinity of the present city of Pec (Pejë) in Kosovo was established as a Dardanian hill top settlement by the riverbanks of Lumi and Bardhë (Ljumi and Bard), and after the Roman conquest it have been turned to the settlement in the status of Roman municipium.

In the end of the Old Era, after the conquest of Dardanian Kingdom, this settlement became a part of the roman province of Moesia, and after its division belonged to the Province of Moesia Superior.


How to Cite
Ferri, N. . (2023). Cults and religious beliefs in antiquity in the Pec (Pejë) area in Kosovo. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, (40), 165–177. Retrieved from