Ideological significance of burial tumuli and sacral symbolism of a circle
that were previously little known. It is determined that the burial mounds for the first time during
of the 5th millennium v. BC in the context of social transformations appear in the early Copper Age of Europe.
In the next prehistoric periods they became one of the most widespread cultural and historical Monuments in the Old World. Isolated
They are still used secondary today. Based on these circumstances, the author leads in addition to the already known characteristics of one
Grave mound, own findings. After that is the burial mound is the first monumental cult building, for which one can safely say that it
was not dedicated to God but to man. The appearance of the first burial mounds is therefore a been a huge and courageous spiritual step
where man dared to approach the gods and his claims to a higher sphere of heavenly eternity revealed, which until then only
granted to deities.

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