CIVES COLONIAE RIS...? Figures from the epigraphic monuments from Rogatica — Romania area
The area of Rogatica had a special significance in the development of the ancient province of Dalmatia. It containeđ the urban and administrative ćore of a colonv vvhose name is fragmentarilv preserved only with the first three letters RIS... The found epigraphic material also implies the presence of inhahitants of this “Rogatica” municipal unit. On eight epigraphic monuments eight different people have heen identified. In the area of Rogatica and Romanija individuals with an Aelian gentile name are predominant (5 individuals). while two individuals carrv Ulpian gentile names. and one a Claudian name. These persons performed a number of different municipal duties. As can be seen from their gentile names. the municipal aristocracy of the Ris... colonv is dominated by people of native descent. Apart from epigraphic monuments. a number of other ancient remains vvere also found in the areas surrounding Rogatica. In the Earlv Middle Ages this region had a significant meaning for the local Romanic populations which is additionallv confirmed by the name of the mountain Romanija.

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