Bronze animal figurines from the Japodian period Grave fields of Prozor and Kompolje
Small fully sculptural bronze animal figures with back noses are a common addition to rich women's graves on the Lika plateau. Since this type of find has so far only been treated briefly, a detailed one appears Editing makes perfect sense. At this point, animal figures looking backwards with their heads standing upright and tilted backwards should be examined more closely. F. Lo Schiavo subdivided the animal figures from Japodian-Liburnian Room into four types, whereby she summarized these figures in her type B. G. Hiller described these figures as dog pendants. The animal sculptures, which are cast from bronze in a clamshell, have two eyelets on the back that are close together. The relatively long neck is slightly curved and ends in a backwards-pointing head with an open mouth. The ears are sculpted, but the eyes are not visible. The legs are straight and show no anatomical elaboration. Front and hind legs are clearly different from each other separated. The body is also straight and shows no abdominal or muscle attachment. The high-raised tail is, similar to the head, slightly curved upwards and then directed forward, creating a symmetrical impression. These animal figures are indeed reminiscent of dogs with their tails held high and wagging happily.

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