Medieval necropolis of Šabići


Lidija Fekeža


Descending to the village of Šabiće, the first sight of the intendant falls on the cemetery with stećci, which is located near the intersection of the roads to the south and east. Such accommodation, common for late medieval cemeteries, was also one of the causes for its complete devastation, which was partially carried out during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1995, and continued in the post-war period until 1999. The destruction of this cemetery, like many others, began a long time ago, partly due to natural influences, partly due to the carelessness of people. In the late sixties of the 20th century, 58 stećaks were recorded on the site. Considerable damage was noticed on the monuments, and there were already overturned and sunken stećaks, therefore monuments with plinths are not singled out in this description. In 1986, experts from the City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Sarajevo stated that a certain number of stećaks had been moved, and some of them had visible cracks caused by mechanical means. Several stećaks in the northwestern part of the necropolis were located along the once narrow country road, which was later turned into a normal paved road.


How to Cite
Fekeža, L. (2024). Medieval necropolis of Šabići. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, 36, 191–220.


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