Roman inscription from Krivoglavci - Vogošća near Sarajevo


Veljko Paškvalin
Melisa Forić


The subject of the paper is an accidental find of roman sepulchral monument with inscription from Krivoglavci, near Sarajevo. On the complexity of the questions presented here and related to cultural-historical background of this found sepulchral titular inscription, it is possible to make couple of preliminary presumptions and conclusions on its dating and cultural- historical importance. In this context, with a epigraphic content of the inscription, form of the sepulchral titulus indicates monumental roman stela or type of mausoleum known from Foča (2-3 C. AC.) Even though that punctuation on the inscription are poorly marked, it is possible to read letter M with hardly recognized Q in O, as a M(unicipium) AQ(uae), which refers to second affirm of the name for Roman Ilidža. The same proovement shows P(ublius)? AEL(ius) VICTORINVS, as a “ Questor quattor vir Quinquenalis” M(unicipii) AQ(uae). With oui’ knovvledge of Ilizža as a roman urban settlement called R(es) P(ublicae) Aquarum S.., Ilidža had status of roman colony, as is written on the altar of Charamidii col(oniae servus), according to Patsch. On the presented chronology of receiving, first municipal, and then status of colony in time of M. Aurelius, and then special rank
Res Publica in time of emperor Diocletian, which testifies about great economic development of a city, letter S could be easy recognized by the cultural-economic characteristic- Aquae S, city - spa. Upon this economic-cultural development of the city-settlement AQ(uae) S(ulphurae) we can see that in this historical continuity, economical development of the Illyrian-Panonnian tribe of Desidiates begun in the time of the emperor Flavius. In the presented overview on a problem of the type of the inscription from Krivoglavci, and chronology of economic development of Roman Ilidža from municipium to colony and earning special status R(es) P(ublicae), in this light special stamp holds, monumental mausoleum with inscription, and emperors gentilicia VLP(ius) and AEL(ius). At the same time, inscription without sepulchral formula, shape and manner of writing, indicates that inscriptions and mausoleum as the earning the municipal status can not be older than middle of II
century A.D. 


How to Cite
Paškvalin, V., & Forić, M. (2025). Roman inscription from Krivoglavci - Vogošća near Sarajevo. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, 35, 161–178.


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