Zlatarići, Merchants from Goražde


Esad Kurtović


On the basis of noted and unpublished sources from Dubrovnik State Archives, the completing and change of the actual picture of merchant’s Zlatarić Family from Goražde has been made. Zlatarić Family from Goražde can be followed through three or four generations in XV century. From the oldest generation we know only their founder mother Ljubisava. Her sons are Radišin and Radoje. Third generation is represented by sons of Radoje- Radić, Radivoj and Radašin. Noted „ Nikola Radivojević, called Zlatarić" from the begining of XVI th century could be a representative of the fourth Zlatarić’s generation. In the Name list from 1477 were noted sons of some Radoje (perhaps exact the stated one) and Ivan Zlatarić, could significally connect the line of Zlatarić in transition from Medieval to Ottoman rule in Goražde in their fourth generation. That would open new ways of researching and connecting the documents of different background in following position of merchant’s class in Goražde and in larger space of Medieval Bosnia. In sources Zlatarićs are represented as merchants in transit trade between Dubrovnik and Goražde. As the other merchants they are using system of credit at respectable citizens of Dubrovnik. In authenticated and payable business they are moving in the circle of the same creditors and companions. Additional sign of their stable position in hinterland is money which they placing as a private deposit in Dubrovnik. Deposit in Dubrovnik was an expression of trust for Dubrovnik citizens and their government system. With example of mentioned Zlatarić who helped citizens of Dubrovnik in transferring things to their deputy at Sandalj Hranić, has the basis for assumption that Zlatarićs themselves by their business created their own supporting respect and trust for citizens of Dubrovnik. Their master, Duke Sandalj Hranić Kosača, as to his subjects, demonstrated a protective reference, helping them in their business. Reflections on their noble status and presence at court of family Kosača can not be established. They were respectable merchants on the land of Sandalj Hranić. Although
they were merchants we have no indications about their possible status in participation and assistance in diplomatic Service of Duke Sandalj Hranić. 


How to Cite
Kurtović, E. (2025). Zlatarići, Merchants from Goražde. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, 35, 197–210. https://doi.org/10.5644/Godisnjak.CBI.ANUBiH.35-10


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