Mysterious sceptre-“stilettos” of the Late Bronze Age (manufacturing technology, experimental works)
This article highlights and discusses the challenges associated with reconstructing the manufacture of a mysterious object from a woman’s burial in a Late Bronze Age (1400–1300 BC) mound in Ukraine.
The deceased was buried with a number of jewellery items. These included bronze spiral bracelets on her arms and legs, two pins on her chest, four gold spiral pendants near her head and a rich amber necklace. At his side, in a wooden case, were two massive bronze objects originally called stilettos. Later most researchers came to the conclusion that these objects were hyperlong pins. The clothing reconstructors positioned them on the chest. The term “stilettos” is proposed by the author to refer to them, and the reason for this name is discussed. However, the most intriguing aspect of these products is their deep internal cavities. Remnants of wood and charred organic matter were discovered within. It is suggested that wooden cores were used to create the cavity in the casting.
An experiment was conducted to investigate the use of wood in bronze production, a technique that is often viewed with scepticism. Experiments have confirmed that it is possible to cast hollow products using lost wax technology and a wooden core. To protect the wood from fire, it must be treated with a fire retardant. This technology is unique and unknown for the Bronze Age.

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