New clothes for a new era: Grave from Final Bronze Age from Greblje in Mravići, northern Bosnia
This paper presents a set of grave finds from the site Greblje in Mravići, near Doboj in northern Bosnia, dated to the final stages of the Bronze Age (Ha B3). The assemblage consists of a considerable number of body ornaments; belt buckles, bracelets, pendants, fibulae and gold spiral wire. The primary focus of the study is the morphological, typological and stylistic analysis of the artifacts in relation to other similar known objects, in order to offer a possible solution to the issue of their chronological positioning and a potential place of manufacture or, at the very least, a cultural context. Ultimately, the grave inventory from Mravići provides us with an assemblage that was undoubtedly part of the inventory of a wealthy person. The selection of these items for deposition evidences careful curation related to representation of the deceased, and stands as a testament to the complex cultural connections present in the form of a wider local/regional network at the beginning of the 8th century BC. Furthermore, the interpretation of the funerary set enables us to better understand human actions in the past, particularly so for an area where the archaeological heritage of this period has to date been very poorly recorded. In the same context, a group of chance finds from the vicinity of the site was also analyzed.

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