Trade or exchange on the Glasinac Plateau in prehistory


Azra Sarić


The discovery of tumuli on the Glasinac Plateau at the end of the 19th century marked the beginning of archaeological interpretations of the burial goods within a cultural-historical framework in the discipline of archaeology. Ciro Truhelka, the first archaeologist in Bosnia and Herzegovina, recognized the continuity of trade during the Bronze and Iron Ages and linked it to the network of goods exchange. Although his reports remained within the cultural-historical paradigm, they laid the groundwork for the development of Bosnian archaeology, which relied on his ideas for several decades thereafter. Truhelka’s perspective on trade, based on unpublished archival material, highlighted interactions between local communities and Greek colonists, emphasizing that these contacts were not solely driven by economic interests, but often had social and ritual dimensions.


How to Cite
Sarić, A. (2024). Trade or exchange on the Glasinac Plateau in prehistory. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, (53), 101–112.


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