On Early Medieval Zoomorphic Artifacts in the Hinterland of the Eastern Adriatic Coast
The text discusses various artifacts from the early Middle Ages with zoomorphic motifs that have been found so far on the eastern Adriatic coast, its hinterland and in the deeper interior, especially in the area of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina. It aims to explain their cultural origin and chronological framework, as well as the historical circumstances that could have contributed to their emergence and spreading in this area, at the end of the 8th and the beginning of the 9th century, originally from the Germanic area. Among these finds, the double-sided decorated belt tongue from the castrum in Gornji Vrbljani is one of the finest such products in Europe, and the only one among them with the name of the master who crafted it (Tetgis faber me fecit). Based on this important information, it is suggested that all similarly decorated metal objects, particularly from the Carolingian Empire territory, be labeled as products of the Tetgis style, instead of the hitherto usual phrase Tassilos chalice style.

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