ED-XRF analysis of silver and gold jewelry found in Medieval necropolis Crkvina, Donja Zgošća (Kakanj municipality), BiH


Almir Olovčić
Aida Jotanović
Almira Kevilj-Olovčić
Amra Veispahić


During archaeological campaigns in 2010, 2012 and 2015 at the Medieval necropolis Crkvina, in central Bosnia, beside skeletal remains, pieces of jewelry, ceramic, construction material, fabric and small artefacts from different periods were also found. The most important finding was a signet ring, with the lily motif, believing to belong to Bosnian king or some high class nobility from Medieval period. Beside the ring, other richly decorated silver and gold jewelry was also found. The goal of this study was, for the first time, to provide information about composition of the most interesting artefacts and also to enhance knowledge about Medieval jewelry industry in Bosnian Kingdom. Results showed that the majority of jewelry was made from silver, of highest quality, with gold being used for surface gilding. Higher than usual copper content in some of the rings (more than 3% in weight percentage) was possibly added intentionally, to enhance properties of the silver. One of the rings, without any decorations was proved to be brass made, with zinc content as high as almost 20%. Results of this study contribute to the better understanding of the otherwise previously scarce knowledge of jewelry tradition in Medieval Bosnian Kingdom.


How to Cite
Olovčić, A., Jotanović, A., Kevilj-Olovčić, A., & Veispahić, A. (2022). ED-XRF analysis of silver and gold jewelry found in Medieval necropolis Crkvina, Donja Zgošća (Kakanj municipality), BiH. Godišnjak Centra Za balkanološka Ispitivanja, (50), 149–158. https://doi.org/10.5644/Godisnjak.CBI.ANUBiH-50.155


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